Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Day in the Rockies

Well it has been awhile since my last post.  Many things have happened during that time, some personal issues that needed to be attended to, and still are.  I was finally able to get out and enjoy a very long day hiking in the mountains in search of wildlife and the beautiful landscapes we all seek.  I was joined by my brother in law for this trip and the day turned out to be awesome! 
Up at 4:00 AM, and then a 4 hour drive to get to the area we wanted to hike.  The weather couldn't have been better, clear skies when we arrived, the sun was shining, there was a cool breeze and the temperature was just right!  As we began our ascent to the pass through thick forest the heat took over as there was no breeze able to penetrate the bush.  The mosquito's were thick but we were prepared for them.  As we neared the top of the tree line the cool breeze that blew felt great!  No more mosquito's and the view was incredible!  It wasn't long before we saw a herd of Bighorn Sheep coming over one of the ridges.  We stopped, unpacked cameras and waited and watched as the sheep slowly grazed their way down the ridge toward us.
We watched some very aggressive behaviour being displayed by several sheep so we didn't venture too close.  A good tip for anyone photographing wildlife is never get so close that it causes stress for an animal.  After watching the sheep for an hour or so, we continued on to the pass.  The sun was shining and under normal conditions it should have been a very hot day!  It was our good fortune that the wind was blowing over the glacier on the mountain range to the west of us and this made it feel like we were hiking in an air conditioned room!  The smell of the fresh air coming over the glacier is something that is almost impossible to describe unless you've experienced it!  It felt like you were in "Shangri La".
Once we reached the pass it was like being on a different planet it was so peaceful!  The spring flowers were blooming, there were still patches of snow everywhere, and a stream flowed gently along the pass.  You could see for miles as there were no trees at this elevation.  We stopped for lunch next to the stream and watched as a weather front moved in slowly from the north, enveloping the valley to the east of us and then to the west.  We began our trek back but didn't escape a bit of rain which really cooled things down until you once again reached the shelter of the forest.
As we left our hike we saw a small black bear foraging for food and so stopped and watched it for awhile.  Finishing our hike at about 6:30 PM we began the long 4 hour drive home.  It made for a very long bet rewarding day! 
Please send me an email if you are interested in purchasing a print from these images.

Taking in the beauty of the mountains
Continuing the climb to the pass
Bighorn Sheep coming over the ridge 
 The sheep used this brush as a scratching post
This sheep was one of the aggressive ones 
These two were also very territorial and aggressive
A Golden-mantled ground squirrel 
 Wilcox Pass - Wilcox Peak on the left
 Time for lunch

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