Monday, July 30, 2007

Millet Softball Tournament

What a great time we all had yesterday at the tournament! Here are a few pics for everyone to enjoy...

Check back later for more...


Nuck n Futs



More from the Tournament

Here are more shots from the game and bar-b-que...

Nursing that sore lip...but you did awesome Katie!

Getting into position for Craig coming up to bat...

Can you have a game without the National Anthem? Not here....

Ouch...I hate it when that happens....

Safe on first...

We need a vote here from the we have model material here? My vote is a definite yes!

The Mad Dogs may not have done as well as they wanted but they won big on prizes!

Father and son

Which way to the game....

Ryan in position...keep those burgers coming!

A great way to spend a Sunday....

Do I see a wedding in their future....(of course I have the inside info...)

It was a great season! We're all looking forward to next year!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Yes, I'm still working on updating the website. However I'm not an expert at web design so it is taking longer than what I anticipated but it hopefully will be done soon.

In the meantime here are a couple more pictures of Ashley for you to enjoy....