I haven't had much time to get pictures up and keep things updated so here is a few from our trip to Central America.
This is a white face monkey. These guys will come right up to you and take food from your hand, but if you touch them they will bite you! Not that friendly.....

This is a Toucan. I didn't realize how friendly these birds are. They have no fear of people and you can walk right up to them.

This is a really large crab that came ashore on Aruba. I couldn't believe how colorful it was!

One of the many geico's on the island....

Here is a really neat little bird. They were everywhere and were so colorful...

...and this egret was a nice looking bird!
And last but not least, one of my favorite birds...a Snail Kite. There are so many along the canal it is unbelieveable!