Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swainson's Hawk

I saw this beautiful Swainson's Hawk early this morning and he didn't seem to mind me stopping and getting a few shots of him. I wish all birds of prey were this cooperative when trying to get a picture.


I was out the other day and found this moose stopping by a slough to have a bite to eat. He didn't seem to mind me getting close and taking a few shots while he ate.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Congratulations Lynn

Our congratulations to Lynn for receiving the 2008 City of Leduc Citizen of Distinction Award. Well deserved!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ashley & Jared's Wedding

Brenda and I want to tell you both what a great time we had at your wedding on Saturday! Everything went perfectly! Here are a few shots for you to enjoy and we will let you know when all of the images are uploaded to your site!